We welcome articles and ideas from both new and experienced writers. While we cannot guarantee publication, we promise to carefully review your submission.

Editorial Support

We work closely with our authors to refine their articles and ensure they meet our standards. We typically do not publish articles in their original form, and we're happy to offer support and guidance throughout the writing process. We recommend submitting a draft or outline initially, so we can assist with developing your ideas. Additionally, providing an outline helps us avoid accepting articles on subjects that we've recently covered or already plan to publish.

Starting Point

New writers may consider submitting shorter pieces or ideas for publication. We welcome letters, suggestions, and innovative, photocopiable materials.

Regular Features

Before contributing to one of our regular features, please contact us. We generally commission these articles in advance, and we're interested in new ideas for future features.

Article Length

Articles should be between 700 and 1,200 words. Practical descriptions and examples to support your comments and ideas are encouraged.


Visuals are impactful, and we encourage authors to consider how their articles can be illustrated. Please confirm that you own the copyright for any images you provide, and send high-resolution JPEG or PNG files of at least 1MB in size.


If you use quotations, identify the sources and provide full information. Permission may be required for longer quotes.


If you use references, provide full information.


We do not accept articles that have been previously published or are under consideration by other publications. If your article is published on our website, it cannot be used elsewhere.


Please send your article to our editor in a Word document and keep a copy for your records. If sending an email attachment, use your surname as part of the file name and include your contact information within the document. Do not embed photographs or artwork in the Word document; send them as separate JPG attachments. Ensure that any attachments are virus-free. Avoid using the track changes tool or allowing colleagues to comment on your article, as it can cause issues.

Additional Information

Please include your name, postal address, telephone number, and email address in your article to ensure clear labeling of your submission.

Contact Us

If you're interested in contributing an article or discussing an idea, please contact us via our contact form or email. We look forward to hearing from you!

You can contact us by email: email